in bc's golden triangleTonga Property
The Tonga property is located 32 kilometres southeast of Stewart, British Columbia, at the headwaters of the O’Neill River. It adjoins the Fiji property to the south, Goliath Resources “GoldDigger” property to the east and Fury Gold’s “Homestake Ridge” property to the west.
RECENT EXPLORATIONWhat we've been working on
It was first staked in 1985 because of high silver stream sediment anomalies recorded in the BC government Regional Geochemistry database. Float samples have been found in creeks running to 92 oz/ton silver and 1.33 oz/ton gold. An airborne survey defined a prominent magnetic low lying between two silver anomalous creeks, and talus fine and soil sampling has also defined a multi-element Ag-Cu-Pb-Zn anomaly. Drilling in one location disclosed zinc-silver mineralization. Although the property has not been explored for many years, the recent rise in silver prices has renewed interest in the area. Exploration is planned for 2021.
Property ownership
The property is jointly owned with Teuton Resources.