in SOuthwestern BCRoman Property
The Roman property covers the western end of a large ultramafic body located in the Talc Creek area near Harrison Lake, British Columbia. Geochemical surveys (soil and rock) and a 3D Induced Polarization survey have been carried out over small parts of the property. One of these areas shows anomalous levels of cobalt as defined by cobalt contours of 150, 200 and 300ppm in soil geochem sampling (on a limited grid, to a high of 1314ppm cobalt); the second area to the west shows a geochem soil anomaly containing anomalous levels of cobalt, arsenic and nickel which may be related to a IP anomaly at depth.
RECENT EXPLORATIONWhat we're working on
The property is in the same belt of rocks as the nearby Giant Mascot mine which operated from 1958-74, a known host of nickel and copper with lesser cobalt and PGE mineralization. There are some broad similarities in the geological setting but the arsenic accompanying one of the nickel-cobalt soil anomalies suggests that another mineral, perhaps a nickel-cobalt arsenide, may be causing the anomaly.
Silver Grail plans a follow-up IP survey for 2021 over the eastern, cobalt-anomalous, soil Geochem grid. Positive results from this program could lead to a decision to drill the property. The Roman property is jointly owned with Teuton Resources Corp.
Property Location