East of Bc's golden triangleKobold Property
The Kobold property covers the drainage of a stream from which a sample registering 302ppm cobalt was taken. This is the 4th highest cobalt value of more than 64,000 stream/mossmat samples in the British Columbia Regional Geochemistry Survey database (provincial surveys from 1976 to the present).
RECENT EXPLORATIONWhat we're excited about
The extremely high cobalt value is accompanied by an equally anomalous value in copper, 2,622ppm, the 6th highest in the BC Regional Survey database. Cobalt and copper are often associated, the most famous example being the Tenke Fungurume deposit in the African Copper Belt (currently the world’s largest supplier of cobalt).
A two-day prospecting traverse in 2018 found some cobalt-anomalous float samples (as well as copper-anomalous) but a definitive source for the high cobalt, government stream sediment sample was not located. Further work is recommended, possibly an airborne geophysical survey.
Property Location