The Pacifico is a large property located at the northern end of Vancouver Island. Work over the past three years has concentrated on finding a source for many cobalt-anomalous, stream sediment samples obtained in five separate streams over a 3km long area. Many of the samples have run between 500 and 2500 ppm cobalt.
RECENT EXPLORATIONWhat we've been working on
Recently a geologist with expertise in petrography examined the property and took four large stream sediment samples from anomalous stream courses. He then examined the minute particles contained in the samples. Here is part of what he wrote in a preliminary report::
“What is really surprising is that these samples are composed almost entirely (> 99%) of Fe and Mn oxides and accompanying quartz and sericite i.e., minerals not observed in large amounts in the local outcrops. Surprisingly, there are almost no fragments of green andesitic rocks as observed in all local outcrops. It looks like these 4 samples represent material from a completely oxidised and disintegrated mineralized zone. The zone must be of substantial size as there is no other way to explain such a big concentration of mineralized (Fe, Mn) and altered fragments. Sections of the creeks where the examined samples were collected either cut through or are very close to a large cobalt bearing zone. There is a good chance that just by using an excavator to dig closely spaced pits close to these samples, we can expose the cobalt bearing zone(s).”
What's coming next.
Fragments from the stream sediment samples have recently been sent for thin sections at Vancouver Petrographics. Other samples have been sent to UBC for Xray Diffraction in order to identify mineral constituents. Once these results are in hand, the Company will begin the next step of exploration at the Pacifico.

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